5 November 2014 (afternoon): Bath

We continue to Bath, driving over scenic hills and autumn forests. Very nice!


Bath has a lot of old buildings on offer as well. There are the famous Roman baths which the city is famous for, as well as the Royal Mineralwater Hospital. The sights close early, though, too early for us. We opt for a long stroll through the old town instead.


Everything is very well looked-after and even new buildings have been built to match the style. There are musicians playing in the pedestrian zone and the many archways and hidden passages make for a lot of charme.


In one of these passages, we discover a Jamie’s Italian and a Deli Jamie’s Italian in front of it where you can get smaller things to eat on the go. I have a platter with frittata, polenta chips and salads while Gabi goes for a sandwich. Delicious!


In the evening, Bath looks even more beautiful. Let’s have a last look before we head back… which takes quite a long time as the evening rush hour is still going on.


For dinner, we get a sandwich and some pastry from the supermarket.