Saturday, 11 November 2023: Floating to Fleet

After breakfast, we set off on the journey to Fleet. We travel eastwards for two and a half hours and really enjoy the journey. The autumn sun shines beautifully through the leaves of the trees and brings out the autumn colours even more. The route also takes us past Stonehenge again.

We arrive in Fleet just before one o’clock and are still too early: our hotel room isn’t ready yet. So we set off again straight away and meet our friend Caroline for lunch at the garden centre in Badshot Lea. We watch as the waitress brings our food to another table and then takes it back to the kitchen because we can’t intervene quickly enough. By the time we receive it, it is only just luke warm.

After lunch, we browse around the Christmas department for a while before deciding to go to Costco together. In the large wholesale shop, we are always amazed at what you can buy, or above all: in what pack sizes. We would love to take a box of donuts and other things back to the hotel with us, but we couldn’t manage that much for the rest of the trip! And we’ll never understand why in the UK, the selection of Swiss chocolate is bigger than in Switzerland.

Then we say goodbye to Caroline again and drive to the hotel. Our room is ready now. While Gabi rests a little, I take LucY to the nearest Tesla Supercharger to charge the battery for tomorrow’s trip.

For dinner, we would like to get something at the nearest Asian take-out, but they are very busy at the moment. It’s Saturday evening after all. The 45-minute wait seems too long. As it’s probably no different at other take-outs, we order something at the hotel restaurant. And regret not having waited the 45 minutes. Gabi’s chicken Caesar salad has no dressing on it at all. When we complain, it turns out the chef no longer has the right salad dressing. And apparently can’t make any. It’s highly questionable though why he then left our the salad dressing completely. In the end, he adds French salad dressing. No cheese.