Tuesday, 1 November 2022: Epilogue

Usually, all our trips to the UK end with us eating a box of donuts together at Gabi’s mother’s house. You can’t get the American Krispy Kreme donuts anywhere in Switzerland. But this year, everything is different. Not only was our day off cancelled because of the flat tyre. Gabi’s mother had contracted Covid shortly after we left and is still testing positive. We don’t want to take any risks and will meet her another time.

This Covid case was also the reason that Gabi’s sister could not visit us for a few days as planned. Actually, we wanted to take her to the musical, to the Secret Cinema experience and to the Westfield or Bluewater shopping centre. Flight and hotel were already booked and we were really looking forward to sharing the fun with her. However, she had met the mother when she was probably already contagious and then cancelled everything. On the one hand to protect us, and on the other hand, so that she wouldn’t have to lie sick in a hotel bed and maybe still be sick on the flight home. She didn’t catch it after all – which could only be said in retrospect sadly. It’s a pity that Chrige couldn’t come. It would have been even more fun with her.

For well-known reasons, Gabi and I are still very Covid-conscious and wear a mask indoors. Thanks to the nice and warm weather, it worked out well to eat lunch outside and take or order dinner to the hotel room. So we were able to enjoy our holidays and still stay safe.

And the donuts? Because we went home a day later than planned and I already had to go back to work today, we had the Krispy Kremes anyway. At one the last service stations in the UK, I bought a box for my colleagues in the office. So they (finally once again) got to enjoy them.