Tuesday, 23 April 2019: Many ways lead to the UK

After the nice long Easter weekend we are back again: England, we are coming! And this time we want to try a new track. Because our usual way to England is via Strasbourg and there we are always in a traffic jam. This is bad for the travel time and the nerves.



We leave at 10:00. Our new way leads us first into western Switzerland. After Yverdon-les-Bains and then past Orbe and Vallorbe to the border. And it simply consists of two houses in a small village. We don’t drive on the motorway anymore, but much more direct. The winding road doesn’t bother us and the picturesque villages on our way are a great change. Here fox and hare say good night to each other. Or as Gabi says: “As if the way to London would lead through Biglen”.


Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-24 um 09.08.11

Shortly before Dijon we drive on the motorway again and continue to make wonderful progress. So far there has been little traffic everywhere. Only at our refueling stop we lose time. Here the cars line up and instead of him filling up in front of us, he simply cleans the windows. But so that we don’t get close enough to the gas pump. Stupid Belgian.



But we catch up again and arrive in Calais at 17.45 o’clock, a few minutes before we have to be here at the latest to catch our train and not be rebooked for a later one. It’s a good thing that the Brexit was postponed. We were afraid to get into chaos here.



Then a nice employee even waves us through to the trains after we have passed the passport control. So we don’t have to wait at the terminal first and even take a train through the tunnel under the English Channel earlier than planned.






In England it is late afternoon and still bright when we leave the train again. And that’s more than a welcome change! Otherwise it’s always dark here or at least dusk. Because of many construction sites we only make slow progress and finally arrive at the hotel at 19.45 o’clock. We are allowed to park again in the closed area behind the hotel. That’s great!




We leave the room again to get a night. A healthy box from Leon in the nearby train station. Then we go to sleep soon.
