February 27, 2011  |  UK February/March 2011

27.2.2011, Sunday: Aldershot

After getting up early, we decided to skip the expensive hotel breakfast and head for Aldershot. When we finally found a convenient service area, Gabi had a Starbuck’s hot chocolate and a croissant while I opted for a KFC lunch. Near London, we were hit with bad wheather and traffic jams again and arrived in Aldershot early in the afternoon. After some freshening up, we [Weiterlesen]


February 26, 2011  |  UK February/March 2011

26.2.2011, Saturday: The big Lush meet

In the morning, we visit the huge Bullring shopping centre. Everything is so different from Switzerland. You enter the Selfridges clothes department and immediately see lots of clothes you want to buy – you don’t have to look for something that is wearable among terrible clothes. There’s a first small Lush mini-meet in the Hotel Chocolat store – great minds think alike. And then, we’re [Weiterlesen]


25.2.2011, Friday afternoon: Finally arriving in Birmingham

On the way from Canterbury to Birmingham, we have to drive around London. Which is bad. We got stuck in traffic jam after traffic jam due to constructions and accidents. We stop for petrol, toilets and some food – two Krispy Kreme doughnuts. We then continue our journey through rainy weather and more traffic jams. In the end, it takes us six hours instead of [Weiterlesen]


25.2.2011, Friday noon: Canterbury

On our way to Birmingham, we stop at Canterbury, home of the famous cathedral which the pilgrims in the Canterbury Tales could not wait to get to. It is really a fantastic, beautiful building right in the middle of the picturesque old town of Canterbury. Well worth a visit if you find yourself in the south-east of England. We visited the grounds, the quire and [Weiterlesen]


25.2.2011, Friday morning: On the ferry from Calais to Dover

After too short a night we arrive at the ferry terminal early. We are given a lane number were we queue until the ferry arrives. Cars and lorries get out first. Then, we are allowed to drive onto the ramp and into the ferry and park left and right of the middle part with stairs and lifts. During the 90 minute ride, we can enjoy [Weiterlesen]


February 24, 2011  |  UK February/March 2011

24.2.2011, Thursday evening: Surprise encounter and arriving laaaate

We couldn’t believe our eyes. Our Autobahn from Berne joins the Autobahn from Zurich near Basle. And who’s coming from the other Autobahn? My mother and grandmother pulling in right in front of us. After some waving back and forth, we continued our journey to Basel, crossing the border with France, driving northwestbound to Nancy, Reims and Calais. It rained and took us more time [Weiterlesen]


24.2.2011, Thursday mid-morning: Snow

I can’t believe it started to snow already!! Not the start we hoped for. At least, the wheather forecast for the UK is better.


24.2.2011, Thursday morning: preparing to leave

A lot of things needed to get finished and prepared yesterday. Thus, it wasn’t as relaxing as it should have been before starting into this voyage. We didn’t sleep too well which doesn’t help either. At least the car’s ready. I had it serviced some weeks ago and washed it yesterday. We also still have to decide which route we’re taking.