Friday, 26 April 2019: A photo shoot in Richmond Park and three hours in the cinema

Today we drive to Richmond Park on the outskirts of London. Clare asked Gabi if she would like to pose for some photos with her electric wheelchair. She works in the marketing department of a company that produces high-quality prostheses and wheelchairs and wants to replace some old photos with new ones. After a short introduction by her colleague Rob, Gabi is on her way. Really impressive what the vehicle can do! I also love that the lights (the wheelchair has lights and turn signals in front and behind) are attached with magnets and can be simply reattached, if one comes off when a branch or wall gets too close.









We’re lucky with the weather. Just as we are finished and back at the cars, it starts to rain. We say goodbye to Rob and drive to a nearby pub for lunch with Clare, before saying goodbye to her again – for today. She needs to go back to the office.



Then we head back into town as we have cinema tickets for the afternoon show of Avengers: Endgame, which only launched yesterday. The Odeon cinema at Leicester Square has recently been rebuilt and we sit in two recliner chairs, which can be folded back electrically, with a footrest. It’s nice that they kept the organ, which has been used for decades to play on before films start. I won’t reveal anything about the film, except that we liked it. And that it not only lasted three hours, but also 45 minutes of commercials and the trailers of other movies were shown before. That’s quite a long time without an intermission! It’s a good thing that we hardly drank anything. After the screening, every visitor receives a collector’s figure and a small poster. Nice!







After the cinema we meet Ollie for dinner at Chiquitos. They seem to have confused the reservation and also the service is not really that good. And my chicken is pretty dry. And this is not a hidden endgame spoiler, by the way. 😉 But Gabis Chimichanga, a fried Burriot with cheese and guacamole, is delicious, and the churros for dessert are as well. We enjoy the evening with Ollie a lot and are sad when we say our goodbyes. But we’ll meet her again on Sunday!



