Wednesday, 4 May 2022: May the Fourth be with you

It’s Star Wars Day today: ‘May the Fourth’ sounds like the Jedi knights’ salute (‘May the Force be with you’). I didn’t have time before departure to take a photo or video with my new red lightsaber. Gabi suggests that I use the headboard’s ambiance lighting in our hotel room to improvise. Which I do! This is very convenient.

On our first real day of holiday in England, we sleep in, and then drive to Camberley for a late lunch at the Atrium shopping centre. It’s just warm enough to eat it outside, which is exactly what we hoped for.

Huge flat-screen TVs, 30-packs of croissants, stacks of books, play equipment for the garden and much more: this afternoon Caroline takes us to the wholesale chain Costco. As always, I’m fascinated by all the things and quantities on offer. No problem, the two of us can easily manage the 1.5 kg pack of Peanut Butter Pretzels!

For dinner, we grab some takeaway to eat in the hotel room: My favourite Moroccon Meatballs from Leon are now meatless but still taste just as great. It’s all about the tomato sauce anyway. Gabi discovered a Cinnabon stall at a nearby service station, so dessert is sorted too. Their cinnamon buns are hard to come by lately. So I just have to go for a box of six (small ones!), as they were cheaper in a box of six. We enjoy this feast while tuning into the latest season of Queer Eye.