Wednesday 4 November 2015: Forbidden Planet, Foyles and Borough Market

Today, we sleep in a little. Then, we drive to Forbidden Planet. We visit this SciFi, fantasy and comic store each time we’re in London. Star Wars is a big thing here as well.


For lunch, we share a burrito at DF Mexico, a new mexican restaurant by Tomasina, the founder of Waha and very involved in the festival we’re going on Saturday. Yummy! And once you’ve ordered a drink, you may refill your glass with other soft drinks as well for free. I like this concept as it allows to taste all their lemonades. 🙂


With new energy, we browse Foyles, one of London’s oldest and biggest book stores. Gabi has got quite a list and finds most of the books she’s looking for.


After the books, we intend to visit Borough Market, a market hall with lots of stalls of regional and smaller producers who offer their meat, bread, fruit and vegetable. But most of London’s streets are blocked off by the police. We learn that students protest against the high tuition fees and the police has blocked the whole area. There’s chaos and very heavy traffic in all other streets.


We finally get to Borough Market und have a look. We even discover Jumi, a Bernese cheese producer, with its own stall. Funny! But it makes sense: The British just love cheese. We have a snack before we head back. Luckily, the road blocks have disappeared by now.




We intended to have dinner at the Indian restaurant Dishoom. But even at their remote branche, there’s a queue longer than the ones at Disneyland Paris. We opt for an Italian restaurant at St Pancras station, Carluccio’s, instead. Gabi orders pasta with spinach balls while I have a lasagna.

