Sunday, 1 November 2015: London Transport Museum and Covent Garden

We get up late. It’s warm and sunny outside so we head for the nearby station (an incredible building, first photo) to get breakfast. I have a rasperry jam filled donut (look at all the filling, Swiss bakers take note!).




From here, we drive to Covent Garden where we decide to finally visit the London Transport Museum. It’s been on our list for long. We enjoy the museum a lot. It starts off with the first horse-drawn carriage built for public transport and soon gets to double decker buses and trams which have disappeared since sadly. Models show how the underground tunnels were built and quote the terrible pollution down there as long as steam engines operated.




After the museum, we walk around Covent Garden. We love the shops in and around the market. There’s a store entirely dedicated to the TinTin comics with more merchandise and figurines than you could ever imagine.




We have a late lunch at the Masala Zone. We haven’t been here in a while and really missed their indian food.



We then continue our way through the Covent Garden area. Gabi knows of a cinema merchandise store where we spend a lot of time browsing through their vintage posters and autographs on offer. Afterwards, we settle in a Starbucks to use their free (but slow) Wifi. Back at the hotel, we’re having a ridiculously huge burger (we didn’t know of the ridiculously huge part) for dinner.

