24.2.2011, Thursday evening: Surprise encounter and arriving laaaate

We couldn’t believe our eyes. Our Autobahn from Berne joins the Autobahn from Zurich near Basle. And who’s coming from the other Autobahn? My mother and grandmother pulling in right in front of us.

After some waving back and forth, we continued our journey to Basel, crossing the border with France, driving northwestbound to Nancy, Reims and Calais. It rained and took us more time than we thought. We had to use smaller roads a lot with speed limits of 90 km/h instead of the 130 from the motorways.

We arrived in Calais at 9 pm after 8 hours. Eating everything I could in the hotel’s restaurant probably wasn’t a good idea. And the burger had a potato slices ring instead of a bun. My stomach’s upset, while Gabi isn’t feeling well either. I really hope we’ll get better soon! Now off to bed.