After too short a night we arrive at the ferry terminal early. We are given a lane number were we queue until the ferry arrives. Cars and lorries get out first. Then, we are allowed to drive onto the ramp and into the ferry and park left and right of the middle part with stairs and lifts. During the 90 minute ride, we can enjoy [Weiterlesen]
We couldn’t believe our eyes. Our Autobahn from Berne joins the Autobahn from Zurich near Basle. And who’s coming from the other Autobahn? My mother and grandmother pulling in right in front of us. After some waving back and forth, we continued our journey to Basel, crossing the border with France, driving northwestbound to Nancy, Reims and Calais. It rained and took us more time [Weiterlesen]
I can’t believe it started to snow already!! Not the start we hoped for. At least, the wheather forecast for the UK is better.
A lot of things needed to get finished and prepared yesterday. Thus, it wasn’t as relaxing as it should have been before starting into this voyage. We didn’t sleep too well which doesn’t help either. At least the car’s ready. I had it serviced some weeks ago and washed it yesterday. We also still have to decide which route we’re taking.