Tuesday, 5 November 2019: Greeted by fireworks

After our short trip to London in October, we are looking forward to a real holiday in the UK. We leave at 10am and first make a short stop at our local the motorway service area to buy a croissant. As always we prepared sandwiches and have snacks and beverages with us.



As we enjoyed the new route we took last time, we drive again in the direction of western Switzerland. Near Yverdon-les-Bains, we turn off in the direction of Orbe/Vallorbe and take the road towards Jura. We hardly notice it when we cross the border with France.



We make good progress. Even if the way leads through small villages again and again, with a speed limit of 20 kph. And when suddenly there are cows on the road, that’s no problem either. Near Dijon we get back on the motorway and floor it.



After a stop to fill up on petrol and use the loo, we continue. There are several small rain showers, but luckily never for long. Because when it rains the speed limit in France is lower than when the sun shines.



As we approach Calais around 5pm, we already see purple-grey clouds in front of us. There is a thunderstorm brewing. And the rain soon pours down on us. But there are only a few kilometres to the Eurotunnel terminal and soon we are on the train to England.






Oh we didn’t know that the backrests can be folded back that far, we had never even tried! That’s nice and relaxing.



35 minutes after the departure of the train we already enter the motorway in Britain. But we’re not happy about the construction site that won’t end. We only drive 50 kph for what feels like an hour, until finally the construction ends. At least we are greeted again and again by fireworks along the way. The British celebrate that we are back! Or maybe it’s just for Guy Fawkes Night, the anniversary of the failed attack on the British Parliament and the then King in 1605.

After a quick dinner at KFC at a service area, we make the remaining 30 minutes to Aldershot.

