Tuesday, 15 May 2012: Driving to Key West

As expected, we wake up pretty early and refreshed at about 7.20 h. No surprise considering it’s already 12.20 h at home. Breakfast is rather excellent and especially the do-it-yourself waffles go down a treat. I am a bore and go for a technicolor bowl of Fruit Loops. American Fruit Loops are so much better than Swiss ones, as over here in the US, they can throw in any chemicals and artificial flavourings they like – yum!

The drive to Key West is gorgeous but feels so much longer than I remembered from our honeymoon. We also soon realize that we cannot seem to find a restaurant we’d like to have lunch at. This soon leads to Thomas getting peed off because it turns him into a monster when he is hungry. We finally find a tiny Pizza Hut in Key West (how original) and order a large pepperoni pizza (which of course leads to some protesting from Dad who was not familiar with the American concept of Pepperoni and thought that I was ordering a pizza with green peppers. Shock horror! We dig in and soon, the spirits are lifted from all the grease and carbs.

(English version: Gabi)





