Monday, 14 Mai 2012: Minivans and good night

At 17.25 h, we finally touch down in Miami (23.25 h Swiss time). We are all quite knackered and desperate to get to the rental car. Thankfully, going through immigration is a breeze: right hand, left hand, smile for the camera, and off we go. I was rather surprised and would have expected much stricter and serious immigration controls. Getting to the rental car is extremely efficient. Despite Miami International Airport size, it feels like things are moving a lot faster than in Zurich, no surprises there.

We pick our rental car from a line-up of about a dozen big, fat minivans (“pick anyone you like in that row over there”). We settle on a silver Dodge Grand Caravan which is roomy and comfortable. The drive to the airport hotel is very quick, the hotel is clean, the reception staff incredibly chirpy and the room is quite nice.

We do not manage to drag ourselves any further than the Wendy’s across the street for some okay burgers. After that, we almost pretty much immediately fall into our beds and we’re asleep before our heads hit the pillow. My God traveling to the States is exhausting!

(English version: Gabi)



