Sunday afternoon 8 May 2016: San Francisco

(Gabi) To say today was a glorious day is a massive understatement. Aki commented on how unusually nice the weather was and it made for an amazing SF adventure. As mentioned in the previous post, we had spent the morning in the Disney Family Museum. Going in we knew there was going to be a picnic on the lawn next to the museum. But we couldn’t have anticipated the super cool food truck festival/party we encountered once we came out of the museum.


Just hundreds of people of all ages hanging out on picnic blankets, enjoying the grub from local food tracks and stalls. All with this incredible view of the bay. The atmosphere was super relaxed.





Of course we had to join in and get our lunch there. Thomie and I shared a burger from the Bacon food truck (with bacon and bacon jam, of course). Plus a Mexican Coke and 7 Up, which are insanely popular here because they contain real sugar and not corn syrup like other US sodas.


And then we just ate, chatted and enjoyed the view. This view…seriously.


For the next fun treat we went to visit the Yoda fountain at Lucasfilms (where all the Star Wars goodies come from). There were loads of other geeks roaming around and taking pictures. The security guy just nodded and waved us through when we said we were ‘here to visit Yoda’. He’s clearly used to it.



We were also able to peek into some windows and saw a big Stormtrooper and Boba Fett. BB8 was sitting in one of the windows overlooking the office complex. Cute little surprise for visiting fans. The whole place looked very unassuming and felt like a gorgeous quiet place to work.



Next we drove down to Crissy Field, a former U.S. army airfield where you get the most AMAZING views of the Golden Gate Bridge. We spent a good while down there just strolling towards the bridge and getting sunburn. Nobody had expected the sun to come out like this and most of us paid for it with red faces. Still, so worth it!


As the weather was so amazing we decided to visit yet another overlook, Twin Peaks. You can probably gather from the name that it’s just two, well, peaks (or hills) but they offer the most wonderful views of the city.


It was ‘a bit’ windy up there.



But you could see all of San Francisco and a lot further. Absolutely brilliant.


This couple had decided to take their wedding pictures on one of the peaks. They must have turned out amazing but the whole thing looked quite scary.


After spending almost all day exploring outdoors we were all quite famished. So Aki suggested we go to the Mission District to eat a proper Mission Burrito. This is the ultimate burrito experience in a very authentic setting. Of course Aki managed to track down the most fantastic little neighborhood place.


The burrito came tightly wrapped in foil and was the size of Thomie’s lower arm.


Look at that beast. It was absolutely delicious, stuffed to the brim with pulled chicken, rice, avocado, salsa, cheese and sour cream. Add to that some home made tortillas and salsa from the salsa bar and you have a perfect dinner!