Thursday 5 November 2015 (day): Highgate Cemetery and Camden Town

Cemetary are always interesting and worth visiting. This one in particular. Highgate Cemetery is one of the eight first ‘real’ cemeteries built in a ring around London. Until then, bodies were buried within churchyards that ran out of space badly or also at home which caused diseases. The graves here are not being suspended like they are in Switzerland but stay here until eternity. The cemetery is still in use and people are allowed to choose their spot. Therefore, older and newer graves (of whichever religion, by the way) may occur next to each other. We have booked a private guided tour through the non-public part of the cemetery where we learn a lot of interesting things. For example about the symbols used on graves like the torch of life or the wrath of life. The rainy weather and the falling leaves provide a special atmosphere. Better-known persons buried here include Karl Marx, the founder of book store Foyles William Foyle or writer Douglas Adams (second photo).




After the hilly cemetary paths, we are dying for something to eat. We head to Camden Town where we have lunch at Fatburger. They offer boneless chicken wings with different wing sauces, a typical American dish.



After lunch, we stay in the area and stroll around Camden market. We haven’t been here in about ten years! There’s the same kitsch than back then on offer: hats, sunglasses, cheap jewellery. But they also offer other things like photos with a caption out of Scrabble letters or art prints.

