May 15, 2022  |  UK Mai 2022

Wednesday, 4 May 2022: May the Fourth be with you

It’s Star Wars Day today: ‘May the Fourth’ sounds like the Jedi knights’ salute (‘May the Force be with you’). I didn’t have time before departure to take a photo or video with my new red lightsaber. Gabi suggests that I use the headboard’s ambiance lighting in our hotel room to improvise. Which I do! This is very convenient. On our first real day of [Weiterlesen]


  |  UK Mai 2022

Tuesday, 3 May 2022: Back to the UK at last

The car is packed, Calais is programmed. Holidays, here we come! Today, we try a new route via Biel and Delémont. Which is more direct, but, as it turns out, slower. It takes us almost two hours to leave Switzerland at the northwesternmost edge. We then take small roads through what feels like half of France. Which is very scenic, but not really faster. We’re [Weiterlesen]


  |  UK Mai 2022

Monday, 2 May 2022: Prologue

The coronavirus pandemic has forced us to take a holiday break that is far too long. Our last short trip was more than two years ago, the last real holidays even longer. We have always been very cautious and continue to be so – after all, the pandemic is not over yet. That’s why we are planning the balancing act: we want to meet friends [Weiterlesen]