October 21, 2017  |  UK Herbst/Autumn 2017

Friday, 20 October: Film music at the Royal Albert Hall

We sleep in a little bit today. It’s what we needed after yesterday’s long journey. We later drive to Oxford Street and browse through the stores. The Disney Store is already all about the upcoming Star Wars film and promoting the penguin-like Porg quite a lot. They will wait under a lot of Christmas trees for sure. Christmas is a big theme at Selfridges too, [Weiterlesen]


October 20, 2017  |  UK Herbst/Autumn 2017

Thursday, 19 October 2017: Road works all over France on our way to the UK

We leave home shortly after half past ten and make good progress. In Switzerland at least. Road work season seems to have begun in France. Construction site after construction site, with one lane traffic only and reduced speed limit. Driving at 90 km/h for so long prolonges our journey quite a bit and we only arrive in Calais 45 minutes later than usual. Luckily we [Weiterlesen]