14 November 2014 (evening): Arecibo message and Contact

In the evening, we listen to a talk about the Arecibo message at the British Film Institute. It’s hard to believe that it’s already the 40th anniversary of this radio message that was sent from the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico hopefully to be received by extraterrestrials one day. I have been fascinated by the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (aka SETI) since I was a child and look forward by the discussion between Dr Adam Rutherford and Prof Brian Cox, two brilliant scientists both with their own radio and television shows.


Time flies by. We could have listened to them discussing the amount of stars in the universe, the likelihood of life somewhere out there, Carl Sagan and Frank Drake’s vision to intercept a message sent by aliens, and that we have become quieter and quieter over the years regarding the broadcasting of radio waves what was believed to be what technologically advanced civilisations would do 40 years ago for a lot longer.


I had a t-shirt printed for the occasion and sit in the front row wearing it (with the human from the Arecibo message). 🙂


After the talk and answering questions from the audience (some of them more than strange, but such an event draws lunatics as well), the film ‘Contact’ is shown in which Jodie Foster listens for transmissions of extraterrestrials. I had seen the film for the first time with one of my best friends during a trip to New York in 1997. This time, I manage to watch the whole 150 minutes without running to the bathroom… but contrary to New York, no cinema employee talked me into buying an XXL drink for just 25 cents more. Instead, I eat the most delicious donut filled with raspberry jam that I’ve bought at another food stall this afternoon. Yummy!
