11. November 2014: Oxford Street London

Today, we sleep in a bit and then head out to have a look around our neighborhood by car. There are lots of hills and on top, you find the most amazing and surely most expensive mansions. There are Ferraris, Porsches and many many Range Rovers parked at the roadside. We then continue to the city centre and look about from the car window. Meaning: There are times when it’s quite easy to get a parking spot here and times when it’s simply impossible.


On the road, we meet James Bond – at least his licence plate says so: ‘007’. I wonder whether this plate or the Rolls was more expensive.


We have lunch at Wagamama and visit Selfridges afterwards.


They have overdone themselves again with their Christmas village. Until last year, it was located in the basement between household, books and electronic gadgets. This year, it has its own floor where you can find everything you could imagine and more to hang on your tree or give as a present. Amongst that: a half-size gold plated Aston Martin for your kids to drive around (from £30,000).


A floor above, there’s a temporary – so they say – Swiss/French restaurant “Le Chalet”. It offers Raclette as a starter but not with the traditional potatoes… and that’s it already as far as it comes to Swiss or French food.


It’s already dark outside when we leave Selfridges. But then, it’s dark as early as 4pm. On the plus side: The Christmas decoration and Christmas lights of the large department stores and along the Oxford Street are really pretty.


Selfridges’ display windows are beautifully decorated as always. The overall topic seems to be fairytales and stories. One of the windows contains one of many Paddington bears that have been unveilled a few days ago. Famous persons have painted and beautified the same basic statue and the bears are on display all over London. This golden one has been done by Kate Moss.


Marks & Spencer doesn’t lack behind. They have renamed themselves ‘Magic & Sparkle’ and have a net of lights that show animations and pictures in different colours.


We have dinner at a local pub. Gabi orders Mac & cheese at ‘The Stag’ and I have the Beef & ale pie. Tasty!
